US Charitable Organizations

We have virtually all US 501c3 nonprofits in our system. If one does not appear in search results, the most common reasons are:

  • it's brand new and the IRS hasn't updated their database that we monitor.
  • it has a different official name than the one in everyday use. For instance, a day care center operated by a church may be under the church EIN.
  • it is “fiscally sponsored” by another organization that actually received and processes the donations.
  • the name we have stored has (or doesn't have) an abbreviation, hyphenation, or other punctuation that made the search miss it. Unfortunately, you have to try different variations, or use a less specific search.
  • its 501c3 status has lapsed; for instance, if it didn't file tax returns despite IRS warnings.
  • it's not a 501c3 but some less common type of nonprofit organization, such as political ones. We can only regrant donations to 501c3 nonprofits.

You can search for US nonprofits, both 501c3 and other types, at the IRS website here.

If you’d like to see a US 501c3 organization included, submit a help ticket here on our support site. Please include as much information as possible about what you searched for and the organization you are trying to find (name, EIN if known, address, website).

Non-US Charitable Organizations

Listings of non-US organizations are provided by our partners and we have no direct control over those listings. We can request that they add an organization to their listings, but they incur research, vetting, and processing costs that they pass on to us. As a result, where our partners are able to perform the service, we charge a minimum of $500 to add a non-US charitable organization, and the amount can be much larger depending on the country.